Ozaki, K., Kato, R., Yasuhara, T., Uchihara, Y., Hirakawa, M., Abe, Y., Shibata, H., Kawabata-Iwakawa, R., Shakayeva, A., Kot, P., Miyagawa, K., Suzuki, K., Matsuda, N., Shibata, A., Yamauchi, M.
Involvement of the splicing factor SART1 in the BRCA1-dependent homologous recombination repair of DNA double-strand breaks.
Scientific Reports 14:18455 2024.
Lee, PWT., Suwa, T., Kobayashi, M., Yang, H., Koseki,LR., Takeuchi, S., Chow, CCT., Yasuhara, T., Harada, H.
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Alvi, E., Mochizuki, LA., Katsuki, Y., Ogawa, M., Qi, F., Okamoto, Y., Takata, M., and Mu, A.*
Mouse Slfn8 and Slfn9 genes complement human cells lacking SLFN11 during the replication stress response.
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Igarashi, T., Mazevet, M., Yasuhara, T., Yano, K., Mochizuki, A., Nishino, M., Yoshida, T., Yoshida, Y., Takamatsu, N., Yoshimi, A., Shiraishi, K., Horinouchi, H., Kohno, T., Hamamoto, R., Adachi, J., Zou, L., and Shiotani, B.
An ATR-PrimPol pathway confers tolerance to oncogenic KRAS-induced and heterochromatin-associated replication stress.
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Yasuhara, T., Xing, YH., Bauer, NC., Lee, LK., Dong, R., Soberman, RJ., Rivera, MN., and Zou, L.
Defective RNAPII elongation mislocalizes active chromatin to nucleoli and promotes gene fusion.
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Uchihara, Y., Permata, TBM., Sato, H., Kawabata-Iwakawa, R., Katada, S., Gu, W., Kakoti, S., Yamauchi, M., Kato, R., Gondhowiardjo, S., Hosen, N., Yasuhara, T., and Shibata, A.
DNA damage promotes HLA class I presentation by stimulating a pioneer round of translation associated antigen production.
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Yasuhara, T.*,#, Kato, R.#, Yamauchi, M., Uchihara, Y., Zou, L., Miyagawa, K.*, and Shibata, A.*
RAP80 suppresses the vulnerability of R-loops during DNA double-strand break repair.
Cell Reports 38:110335 2022. (*co-corresponding, #co-first) <Jounal> <PDF>
Krishnan, B., Yasuhara, T., Rumde, PH., Stanzione, M., Lu, C., Lee, H., Lawrence, MS., Zou, L., Nieman, LT., Sanidas, I., and Dyson, NJ.
Active RB causes visible changes in nuclear organization.
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Kot, P., Yasuhara, T., Shibata, A., Hirakawa, M., Abe, Y., Yamauchi, M., and Matsuda, N.
Mechanism of chromosome rearrangement arising from single-strand breaks.
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Permata, T. B. M., Sato, H., Gu, W., Kakoti, S., Uchihara, Y., Yoshimatsu, Y., Sato, I., Kato, R., Yamauchi, M., Suzuki, K., Oike, T., Tsushima, Y., Gondhowiardjo, S., Ohno, T., Yasuhara, T., and Shibata, A.
High linear energy transfer carbon-ion irradiation upregulates PD-L1 expression more significantly than X-rays in human osteosarcoma U2OS cells.
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Genois, MM., Gagné,JP., Yasuhara, T., Jackson, J., Saxena, S., Langelier, MF., Ahel, I., Bedford, MT., Pascal, JM., Vindigni, A., Poirier, GG, and Zou, L.
CARM1 Regulates Replication Fork Speed and Stress Response by Stimulating PARP1.
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Nakajima, N., Yamauchi, M., Kakoti, S., Cuihua, L., Kato, R., Permata, MBT, Iijima, M., Yajima, H., Yasuhara, T., Yamada, S., Hasegawa, S., and Shibata, A.
RNF8 promotes high linear energy transfer carbon-ion-induced DNA double-stranded break repair in serum-starved human cells.
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Kakoti, S., Yamauchi, M., Gu, W., Kato, R., Yasuhara, T., Hagiwara, Y., Laskar, S., Oike, T., Sato, H., Held, KD., Nakano, T., and Shibata, A.
p53 deficiency augments nucleolar instability after ionizing irradiation.
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Permata, MBT, Hagiwara, Y., Sato, H., Yasuhara, T., Oike, T., Gondhowiardjo, S., Held, KD., Nakano, T., and Shibata, A.
Base excision repair regulates PD-L1 expression in cancer cells.
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Yasuhara, T.*,#, Kato, R.#, Hagiwara, Y., Shiotani, B., Yamauchi, M., Nakada, S., Shibata, A., and Miyagawa, K.
Human Rad52 promotes XPG-mediated R-loop processing to initiate transcription-associated homologous recombination repair.
Cell 175:558-570 2018. (*Lead contact, #co-first) <Jounal> <PDF>
Sato, H., Niimi, A., Yasuhara, T., Isono, M., Permata, MBT, Sekine, R., Oike, T., Nuryadi, E., Kakoti, S., Yoshimoto, Y., Held, KD, Suzuki, Y., Kono, K., Miyagawa, K., Nakano, T., and Shibata, A.
DNA double-strand break repair pathway regulates PD-L1 expression in cancer cells.
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Yasuhara, T., Suzuki, T., Katsura, M. and Miyagawa, K.
Rad54B serves as a scaffold in the DNA damage response that limits checkpoint strength.
Nature Communications 5:5426 2014. <Jounal> <PDF>