Radiological technologists 

Study populations and dose evaluation
      Chromosomes were examined during 1980-1985 as a part of the health examination of radiological technologists (Aoyama et al. 1983, Yoshinaga et al. 1999). The study populations covered radiological technologists in 21 prefectures of Japan.
     Dose evaluation: The exposure dose was estimated retrospectively by interview. The methods of dose estimation and its ascertainment have been described by Nakamura et al. 1983, Kondo et al. 1995). The questionnaire also included lifestyle, including smoking, alcohol intake, coffee consumption, meals, and so on.
     The chromosomal aspects of the effects of occupational radiation exposure has been reported by Sasaki (2003)

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Categories in the tables
Sex (M=male, F=female)

Age (age at the time of sampling)
Experience (Worked for years)
Dose (D1=occupational dose, D2=medical dose (D2)
     Workers who received radiotherapy or chemotherapy were treated as those with unknown medical doses (D2=299.97). The medical dose includes dose due to diagnostic X-rays within the last 2 years was included but as a dose equivalent to 1/3 of the local dose.
Number of cells analyzed (N1=SCE analysis exclusively, N2=aberration score on photoprints, N3=aberration score under microscope, DT=D2+N3)
Aberrations (D=dicentrics, R=rings, Cu=cells with unstable aberrations, Cs=cells with aberrations of stable-type only)
SCE (number of sister-chromatid exchanges per cell)

Aoyama, T., Futamura, A., Yamamoto, Y., Kato, H. and Sugahara, T. (1983). Mortality study of Japanese Radiological technologists. J. Japan Assoc. Radiol. Technol. 1983 Special issue. pp.79-83.
Yoshinaga, S., Aoyama, T., Yoshimoto, Y. and Sugahara, T. (1999). Cancer mortality among radiological technologists in Japan: Update analysis of follow-up data from 1964 to 1993. J. Epidemiology, 9:61-72.
Nakamura, M., Futamura, A., Yamamoto, Y. and Toma, H. (1983). Investigation on the dose of irradiation to radiologic technologists. J. Japan Assoc. Radiol. Technol. 1983 Special issue. pp.72-78.
Kondo, H., Aoyama, T., Sugahara, T., Hashimoto, T., Yamamoto, Y. and Okumura, Y. (1995). Statistical association between radiation expsodure and the clinical examination data of Japanese radiology technicians. J. Epidemiology, 5:51-57.
Sasaki, M. S. (2003). Radioadaptive response and genomic instability: a phenotypic dichotomy of gene-environment interaction. In, Shibata, Y., Yamashita, S., Watanabe, M. and Tomonaga, M. eds. gRadiation and Humankindh. Elsevier International Congress Series 1258, pp.11-19.