Chernobyl NPP Accident: Residents or Evacuees-(1)

[1] Residents in Belarus; Children 

     Chromosomes in blood lymphocytes were studied in 41 children who came to Italy in three groups (A, B and C) for 1 month stay during 1991-1992 for 137Cs whole body counting (WBC) and urine radiotoxicological analysis.

    Group A came from the countryside of Navrovl’a (Belarus), 70 km from Chernobyl, where the 137Cs contamination was 15-40 Ci/km2.
      Group B: children of resident in the area of Belarus surrounding the Chernobyl plant, evacuated soon after the accident and then transferred to Gomel or Drujri, 200-300 km from Chernobyl (ground contamination of the latter location: 1-10 Ci/km2).
      Group C: children came from Stolin (Belarus), 250 km from Chernobyl. City of Stolin is marked with a 137Cs ground contamination 1-5 Ci/km2, but part of the surrounding countryside is characterized by 5-15 Ci/km2. 


     Padonani, L., Caporossi, D., Tedeschi, B., Vernole, P., Nicoletti, B. and Mauro, F. (1991): Cytogenetic study in lymphocytes from children exposed to ionizing radiation after the Chernobyl accident. Mutation Res., 319:55-60. 

Chromosome aberration analysis 
Group No. of Sex 137Cs ground 137Cs WBC No. of Aberrations/1,000 cells
subject activity (Bq/km2) (Bq) cells AF Dic Tr csb ctb
A 9 5F, 4M 55-150×1010 460-2,795 5,000 4.8 0.2 0.4 10.8 12.8
B 24 8F, 16M 4-40×1010 44-397 20,020 1.8 0.3 0.3 1.2 9.6
C 8 3F, 5M 4-55×1010 7,714-32,343 3,650 3 0.5 1.1 5.2 17

[2] Residents in Belarus and Kiev.


      Blood sampling was mostly 4 yrs after the Chernobyl accident. Blood samples were obtained from 16 people (15 in Belarus, one in Kiev) living during and after the Chernobyl accidents, in which 12 were in Minsk district (about 350 km), 2 were in Gomel district (about 150 km), one was in Mogilev district (300 km), and one in Kiev (about 100 km from Chernobyl). 


     Scheid, W., Weber, J., Petrenko, S. and Traut, H. (1993): Chromosome aberrations in human kymphocytes apparently induced by Chernobyl fallout. Health Phys., 64:531-534. 

Chromosome aberration analysis 
. .
Subject Location Sex Age Sampling No. of Chromosome aberrations Subject Location Sex Age Sampling No. of Chromosome aberrations
ID date cells Dic cR aR ID date cells Dic cR aR
44a) Kiev M 53 1987 836 11 1 2 67 Minsk F 16 1990 1,227 0 0 0
47a) Kiev M 54 1988 1,951 3 0 0 71 Minsk F 15 1990 1,248 0 0 0
63 Gomel F 16 1990 1,232 1 0 0 72 Minsk F 13 1990 1,282 0 0 0
81 Gomel M 22 1991 1,162 0 0 0 74 Minsk F 14 1990 1,080 0 0 0
80 Mogilev M 14 1991 1,271 0 0 0 75 Minsk F 13 1990 1,212 0 0 0
70 Minsk M 38 1990 1,140 1 0 0 77b) Minsk F 16 1990 2,872 4 0 0
73 Minsk M 12 1990 1,250 5 0 0 88b) Minsk F 17 1991 1,201 10 0 0
78 Minsk M 13 1990 1,182 0 0 0 69 Minsk M 51 1990 1,325 4 0 1
66 Minsk F 16 1990 874 0 0 0 68 Minsk F 13 1990 601 3 0 0
a) Subject ID 44 and 47 are the same person. b) Subject ID 77 and 78 are the same parson.

[3] Residents in Gomel and Vetka, Belarus

      Blood samples were obtained at the general and regional Hospital in Gomel and Vetka, respectively, in December 1990 (almost 5 years after the Chernobyl accident). The subjects were general populations and no physical dose estimation was done to individual subjects.
      In the Gomel area, surface contaminations of 137Cs typically ranges from 37 kBq/m2 to more than 1480 kBq/m2, and there are also minor areas contaminated by 90Sr with surface activities from 37 to 111 kBq/m2. The estimate of dose received by the inhabitants are very approximate and sometimes very variable. Individual doses over the 1986-1990 period are for example estimated at 35-60 mSv, whereas in children, doses absorbed by the thyroid gland may vary between 2 and 5 Sv.
      Verschaeve, L., Domracheva, E. V., Kuznetsov, S. A. and Nechai, V. V. (1993): Chromosome aberrations in inhabitants of Byelorussia: consequence of the Chernobyl accident. Mutation Res., 287:253-259. 

Chromosome aberration analysis  

ID Sex Age Residence No. of Aberrations/100 cells ID Sex Age Residence No. of Aberrations/100 cells ID Sex Age Residence No. of Aberrations/100 cells
(yrs) cells Dics cR AF cdb cte (yrs) cells Dics cR AF cdb cte (yrs) cells Dics cR AF cdb cte
1 F 28 Veika 200 2.5 0 0.5 4 0 16 F 45 Veika 132 0.8 0 6.1 0 0.8 34 F 32 Gomel 200 0 0 1.5 2 0
2 F 40 Veika 170 2.4 0.6 0 0.6 0 17 M 41 Veika 110 0 0 4.5(2) 0.9 0 36 M 27 Gomel 236 1.7 0 0.4 5 0
3 M 35 Veika 114 1.8 0.9 1.8 0 0 18 F 20 Veika 177 0 0 0 1.7 0 39 F 42 Gomel 119 0.8 0 3.4(3) 0.8 0
4 F 43 Veika 133 2.3(1) 0 6 9 0 19 F 37 Veika 300 2.7 0 2.7 2.7 0.3 42 F 55 Gomel 67 1.6 0 3 1.6 0
5 F 29 Veika 100 4 0 5 2 0 20 F 28 Gomel 447 0.2 0.2 1.3 1.2 0.2 43 F 30 Gomel 50 6 0 18(4) 6 0
6 F 43 Veika 200 1.5 0 5 3 0 21 F 57 Gomel 60 0 0 0 3.3 0 44 F 16 Gomel 208 1.9 0 0 1.4 0
7 F 31 Veika 200 1.5 0 2 1.5 0 22 F 50 Veika 50 2 0 4 0 0 46 F 28 Gomel 86 2.4 0 1.2 3.5 0
8 F 30 Veika 145 0 0 0 0 0 23 F 44 Veika 86 8.4 0 0 1.2 1.2
9 F 40 Veika 202 0.5 0 1.5 0.5 0 24 M 34 Veika 50 2 0 2 0 0
10 F 27 Veika 115 0.9 0 1.7 4.4 0 25 M 31 Veika 300 0.7 0 2.3 4.3 0
11 F 46 Novoselki 89 0 0 5.6 0 2.3 26 F 24 Veika 200 1 0 0.5 2.5 0
12 M 53 Solotoj 109 0 0 2.8 0 0 27 F 29 Veika 230 0 0.4 0 2.2 0
14 F 50 Veika 82 1.2 0 1.2 0 0 31 M 28 Gomel 200 3 0 0.5 8.5 0 Controls Mol 10,000 <0.1 0 0.3 2 0
15 F 45 Veika 50 0 0 0 2 0 33 M 44 Gomel 50 2 0 0 4 0 Moscow 4,800 0 0 0.3 0.3 <0.1
(1) including one tricentric chromosome (2) including one acentric ring (3) including two acentric rings .
(4) including one cell with five and one with double minutes

[4] Bryansk (Russia): Residents 

      Chromosome analysis in blood lymphocytes was carried out as a part of the clinical investigation of people during the pilot study of comparative epidemiological project, ESMER (Ecological, Social and Medical Research on the long-term consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power station accident). Blood samples were taken during January-April 1993 from residents of Krasnyi Rog (control group) and Mirnyi (exposed group). 
     Salomaa, S., Sevan’kaev, A. V., Zhloba, A. A., Kumpusalo, E., Mäkinen, S., Lindholm, C., Kumpusalo, L., Kolmakow, S. an Nissinen, A. (1997): Unstable and stable chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes of people exposed to Chernobyl fallout in Bryansk, Russia. Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 71:51-59. 
Chromosome aberration analysis 
Cohort 137Cs No. of Age (yrs) Wemen No. of Aberrant cells Chromosome aberrations
(surface level) persons (mean±SE) (%) cells Cu Cs Dics cR aM F
Krasnyi Rog <37 kBq/m2 100 27.2±0.5 58 37,541 57 3 16 3 3 39
Mirnyi >1,100 kBq/m2 100 26.8±0.5 56 40,701 97 5 20 15 5 66

[5] Belarus and Russia: Residents 


       In the first series of study, blood samples were obtained from children who lived in the contaminated areas in Belarus and Russia. One sub-group of Belarussian children include those who were evacuated during the first week after accident from the highly contaminated areas of Bragin, Narovlya and Khoinik districts to more lightly contaminated Gomel city or to Zhlobin region.    In the second series of study, samples were also obtained from adults in the contaminated regions (Gorbeevka and Zlynka regions) in Russia.
       Controls were sampled from Oktyabr district in Belarus for children and from Pochep district in Russia for adults.
       Most persons were sampled in 1991, i.e., approximately 5 years after the accident, but small number of persons were extended into 1993. Children in Klinsty (Russia) included those irradiated in utero. 

       Sevan’kaev, A. V., Lloyd, D. C., Potetnia O. I., Zhloba, A. A., Moiseenko, V. V. and Edwards, A. A. (1995): Chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes of residents of areas contaminated by adioactive discharges from the Chernobyl accident. Radiat. Protect. Dosimet., 58:247-254. 
Chromosome aberration analysis 
Place Average (and range) of surface contamination No. of Average age (y) No. of No. of No. of aberrations
137Cs (kBq/m2) 90Sr (kBq/m2) Dose (mSv) Male Female at sampling cells Cu cells Dicentrics Centric rings Excess acentrics
Belarus Gomel region Lelchitsy district 75 (30-180) 7 (1.5-15) 8 17 24 14 (9-17) 7,918 49 6 3 40
Bragin district 100 (35-220) 15 (3.5-35) 12 17 17 14 (5-17) 6,409 30 2 0 29
Vetkov district 200 (60-350) 15 (0.5-35) 22 14 15 14 (11-17) 5,617 24 4 3 18
Zhlobin district 75 (20-150) 5 (3-10) 11 139* 193* 12 (5-17) 64,948 304 48 20 249
Gomel city 75 (25-90) 13 (1-30) 12
Oktyabr district (Controls) 0 0 0 52 15 10 (2-16) 16,398 45 5 2 40
Russia Kaluga region Zhidra district 100 (50-150) no data 10 159 175 11 (2-17) 65,886 236 21 9 212
Ulianovo district 140 (75-190) no data 14 89 67 8 (1-17) 30,153 131 21 9 104
Bryansk region Klintsy district 100 (75-200) 4 (no data) 11 93 77 no data 47,567 168 23 13 137
Gordeevka district (children) 700 (400-1000) no data 70 202 232 12 (2-17) 98,178 271 49 6 225
(adults) 13 43 34 (18-65) 15,534 51 9 2 44
Zlynka district (children) 1000 (500-1300) 20 (7-25) 102 23 38 10 (2-16) 12,200 53 17 5 33
(adults) 70 27 54 (20-78) 18,782 128 35 4 96
Pochep district (adult controls) 0 0 0 20 24 35 (19-58) 13,885 28 7 0 23
*) Including Belarussian children evacuated with their famiies from the highly contaminated area of Bragin, Narovlya and Khoinik districts with up to 1,500 kBq/m2 of 137Cs and 150 kBq/m2 of 90Sr.
Theevacuated during the first week after the accident to Gomel city or Zhlobin district where contamination levels were considerably lower and essentially similar.

[6] Belarus and Ukraine: Residents 


     Blood samples were taken from the residents of Belarus and Ukraine 13-15 years after the accident. The lymphocytes were tested for chromosome translocations, micronuclei, HPRT mutations and apoptosis. 


     Edwards, A., Voisin, P., Sorokine-Durm, I., Maznik, N., Vinnikov, V., Mikhalevich, L., Moquet, J., Lloyd, D., Delbos, M. and Durand, V. (2004): Biological estimates of dose to inhabitants of Belarus and Ukraine following the Chernobyl accident. Radiat. Protect. Dosimet., 111:211-219. 

Chromosome aberration analysis 
. FISH scoring of samples from Belarus.
Code Sex Age at time of Residence at time 137Cs level Genome eq. Translocations Dics Excess
accident analysis of catastrophe (kBq/m2) cells two-way one-way acentrics
Exposed M15 F 8 22 v. Bogush 30-km zone 850 1,021 3 2 1 6
M20 F 7 22 v. Gluchovichi 510 938 2 2 1 2
M23 F 7 22 v. Ryzkov 370 1,064 1 2 0 1
M17 F 7 22 v. Kovaka 300 1,108 2 3 0 1
M22 M 7 22 v. Shkurata 260 1,076 1 4 1 4
M19 F 6 21 v. Novyi Put 200 1,107 1 5 0 12
M2 M 2 15 Khoinikio 140 969 0 4 0 3
M3 M 2 15 Khoinikio 140 1,052 1 5 0 5
M4 M 2 15 Khoinikio 140 1,106 1 2 0 3
M18 F 11 26 v. Prosmochi 130 1,078 4 3 1 7
M16 F 10 25 v. Lubeniki 110 1,103 3 3 1 3
M21 F 7 22 v. Dubeniki nd 1,097 3 5 0 6
M9 F 7 21 Gomel 80 1,117 0 6 0 2
M12 F 6 20 Kalinkovichi 40 875 1 1 0 0
M5 M 7 20 Love 20 857 6 5 0 5
Controls M6 F 9 22 Minsk 1 888 1 2 0 4
M8 F 6 20 Minsk 1 1,076 1 1 0 2
M10 F 7 21 Minsk 1 1,077 0 2 3 7
M11 M 7 21 Minsk 1 1,231 6 3 0 7
M13 M 6 20 Minsk 1 1,125 3 1 1 10
M14 F 6 20 Minsk 1 1,151 0 3 2 1